Pens of pleasure and pain

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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

My name is Samantha and I am a 22 year old college first year senior at UNCG trying to figure out life as I type this. I am very involved in activism for LGBT rights, women's rights, human rights in general. I enjoy intellectual and political discussion, movies, music, reading, meeting new people, writing poetry and newspaper articles, and the lifelong acquistion of knowledge in and outside the classroom.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A litany for community

For the coalitions that have yet to be structured
The organizing waiting to happen
In street corners of rebuilt homes
Tracks that haven’t laid their trail
Tears that have yet to fall
Backrooms in the dreams of children yet to be born
A dream waiting to be restored
A vision yet to be formed
A place that we haven’t traveled down
A journey, on which we haven’t seen
Downtown, the epicenter of life
Passing down the sips
at each coffee shop
for every strife
Registration forms that have yet to be filled
Bills that, we will soon have to pay
For the troubles of hard work
The necessary staring contestants that fear brings
A different color
Another mother, her lover
Different skins
Different times
Empty bottles and bloody syringes
The houses, full to the brim
For the groups we participate in
Securing our place now
For the faces of tomorrow

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another time

I can't believe it was nothing
That the earth didn't bear my feet
That the tracks of my tires left a mark
That each scar meant a new disease
A need reflected after each whisper

Cause tonight we took it too far
Beyond the realms I wanted to take
I couldn't fake the expression
Testing every nerve in my body
As you hold me down and walk away

Almost broke down on the side
I've got nothing left to hide now
I borrow a kiss, a moment of bliss
In return, the favor might be exchanged
But damned down with worry

Each refrain gives into the pain
The pain of knowing I'll never see you again
The pain of wanting you more
The torture each touch provides
For another moment, for another time